Yogacharya Umesh

Yoga, Meditation and Spirituality

Yogacharya Umesh studied in Gurukul, Gujarat India where he learnt Yoga as a way of life and learnt Yoga, spirituality, various Scriptures such as Vedas, Bhagwad Gita, Mantras, japas, Homa and meditation. Developed his knowledge further under Swami Manoharanandji. Gujarat, India. Studied The four paths and five points of yoga at the Swami Sivananda Ashram, Kerala, India. Certified by The International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, Canada as a “Yoga Siromani”.

Although moving to the UK at an early age but never forgot his roots. Now teaches the Authentic and traditional style of “yog” which includes the various limbs and paths of yoga. He has been teaching yog in the U.K., India, Africa and other countries while sharing his knowledge and experience for over 40 years.

In the western world, a typical yoga class consists mainly of exercises and on-the-mat yoga which is less than 10% of what “Yog” offers. Learn off-the-mat yoga and meditation and how to incorporate yoga into your daily lives.

Umesh is very knowledgeable, and reputable and has over 35 years of experience in this field. He has been teaching at various organisations such as The Uncle, (US-based), The Yellow at Wembley Park, and Loop-me while having various seminars and specialist courses over the years.

Services Hatha yoga

90 minutes class, Beginner to advanced levels, including Pranayama (Breathing exercises),

Asanas (Exercises) Meditations, yoga theory, four paths of yoga and eight limbs of yoga, Yoga diary, how to develop a practice at home, yoga off the mat and how to incorporate yoga into daily lives.

Specialist yoga sessions

Yoga for

  • Mental Health
  • Stress relief and anxiety Depression
  • back pain Arthritis Asthma
  • Multiple Sclerosis Overweight and Obesity Facial yoga

Yoga for a particular illness or purpose Yoga for students

Yoga for over 60s

Breathing (Pranayama)

How to use breath for a healthy lifestyle How to breathe correctly

Mindfulness and Meditation

Learn how to go into meditation easily, develop concentration techniques, tratak practices, in a typical class, we will include different types of meditations, how to incorporate meditation into every part of your action and thoughts, and how to use meditation for stress and anxiety releases and to have a calm mind to help us to connect with our soul and intuition. Learn how to use your breath to control your mind.


Yoga Foundation course

The 8-week specialist course, Includes the theory, and introduction to all aspects of yoga, to find a suitable life path for you to a healthful and conscious lifestyle

Mentoring and spiritual counselling for varied needs, including any physical, mental or Life issues.

Online and Home visits provided