Angela Hope Murray responds to her clients as individuals, recognising that each person requires specific attention according to the needs of their health and wellbeing.
With forty years, clinical experience Angela has worked both with the NHS as a chiropodist and spent six years working as Head of the Nutrition modality alongside Professor Ted Kapchuck at the Shattack Hospital Mass, USA.
Angela Hope-Murray is an Ayurvedic Practitioner. Her knowledge and expertise blend together to create a comprehensive health service for her patients. Angela uses a combination of neuromuscular and marma points in her body work, focusing on soft tissue manipulation, which is specifically indicated in the treatment of traumatized elderly and sick individuals. Angela trained with Dr Vasant Lad at the Ayurvedic Wellness Centre; Allston Massachusetts 1986 completing her guru kula in Pune, India 2003 and Middlesex University 2009.
Publications: Ayurveda for Dummies 2013 & Healing with Ayurveda 1997